🥖 Chilean Churrascas Tutorial

What is a Churrasca?#

Churrasca is a Chilean bread (don't confuse it with Churrasco!); that is soft and tasty and as the majority of popular Chilean bread, it is super easy to make!, in fact, people in Chile bake Churrasca bread whenever there's a quick event or if the local store did not have any bread available (this is BIG problem for Chilean families!). This bread is perfect to be baked on a grill, in fact, that is the preferred method!.

Enough for the quick intro, the following is what a Churrasca bread looks like 🤤 :

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You're gonna need the following:

  • 500gr flour
  • 10gr salt
  • 65gr shortening
  • 300ml warm water

Also make sure you have a big bowl and plastic wrap 😉 .

Step 1: Integrate the ingredients by kneading#

In a big bowl pour all the ingredients and start kneading for about 10 minutes.

Pro Tip: The water has to be warm, not hot, if you can get it from the tap water, you can feel the temperature using your fingers.

Once you're done kneading for 10 mins, make a ball with the dough, no worries, it doesn't have to be perfect. Lastly, wrap the dough with a plastic wrap and let it rest for another 10 minutes.

The dough should look like after 10 mins:

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Step 2: Shaping them up and rest!#

Now the fun part begins!, using a knife, carefully cut them in 8 roughly equal pieces (maybe ±100gr each?), knead them a bit and make oval shaped balls, and put another plastic wrap over them, and let them rest for 30 minutes.

The dough pieces should look similar to after 30 minutes:

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Final step: Bake them!#

This part heavily depends on what you have available, the bread that I showed at the beginning of the page was made using an electric grill, but to get the best results you should use a charcoal grill. But if you don't have any, the oven works too!.

If using an Oven put the temperature at 210°C for about 16-18 mins, be sure to watch the bread in the oven after 16mins has passed, you're looking for a golden color and a mushy look.

Now put some butter on it and enjoy! 🥖