🌚 LunarVim + Purescript + LSP
Being a die-hard fan of coding in (neo)vim
, I've been forced myself to look for the perfect (or at the very least decent)
configuration of a development environment for my language of choice, or the one I'm currently learning, which in this case is purescript
The present post's goal is to shed some light on certain tooling that exist today but they are probably not
widely known; such as LunarVim
, and also keep a record for myself for how the hell did I
configure this!? 😜
What is LunarVim
My main (and pretty much only) editor today is LunarVim
(for both work and personal stuff),
the reason I stuck with it instead of my own neovim configuration, is because I like the defaults of the editor and the nice automation it has when adding a new treesitter language or a new lsp implementation.
So if that piqued your interest, you should definitely give it a try!, the cool thing is that it won't interfere with your current neovim install 😉.
For every language that I work I NEED to have an implementation of a language server protocol (LSP) for it (or similar), I just need to get a feeling of some standard automated process will assist me on my coding, including simple stuff such as Dockerfile or mardown files (yes, I want it to be autoformatted for me, that is how lazy I am!)
How to get it working 💚
1. Configure your LunarVim
Make sure you have installed LunarVim
uses treesitter
in order to detect file types, and it also includes advanced syntax
highlighting via the included plugin nvim-treesitter
. But, as of now, it only supports a fixed set of languages, which does not include purescript
But fear not, you can easily fall back to a super popular plugin, called vim-polyglot
Add the following in your ~/.config/lvim/config.lua
lvim.plugins = {
-- rest of plugins ...
{ "sheerun/vim-polyglot" },
{ "purescript-contrib/purescript-vim" },
Now you have proper file type detection and syntax highlighting!.
2. Create a Purescript
The tooling that I use for a purescript
project are purescript
(surprise!) and spago
, so proceed to install then if
you don't have them:
$ brew install purescript spago
$ mkdir hello-world-ps
$ cd hello-world-ps
$ spago init
$ spago run
Open the created file:
$ lvim src/Main.purs
will detect the file type and download the proper LSP
, in this case is
automatically, and... that's it!, really!, enjoy! 😁